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The One-Punch Man Season 2 Debate What’s at Stake for Season 3?

The One-Punch Man anime’s second season is highly controversial among fans of the series, and the reasons why may affect the third season as well


  •  The second season of One-Punch Man faced animation quality issues under the new studio, J.C. Staff, disappointing many fans.
  •  The third season’s return to J.C. Staff triggers concern among fans, fearing history might repeat itself in the animation department.
  •  Despite potential animation challenges, the depth of storytelling and character development in Monster Association arc should make the third season worth watching.

Fans of One-Punch Man are intimately aware of the ongoing debate surrounding the anime’s second season, a topic that still resonates within the fandom today. While some may recall the buzz during its initial airing, others may not fully grasp the underlying reasons behind the contention.

At the heart of the matter lies the animation quality—a crucial element in bringing Yusuke Murata’s intricately detailed manga to life on screen. The inaugural season, crafted by studio Madhouse, garnered widespread acclaim for its stellar animation. It was evident that the project was a labor of passion, with every frame reflecting the care and dedication poured into its creation.

However, the excitement was tinged with trepidation when news broke in September 2017 of a significant shift: the animation studio transitioning from Madhouse to J.C. Staff. This change sparked concerns among fans, fearing a potential dip in animation quality—a fear that wasn’t unfounded given the high standards set by the first season.

Now, as anticipation builds for the third season, these apprehensions resurface. Will the animation quality meet the sky-high expectations set by its predecessor? Or will fans once again find themselves grappling with disappointment? The stage is set for a showdown between expectation and reality, as the fate of One-Punch Man hangs in the balance.

While some personnel involved in the anime stayed onboard through the change between studios, the director of the series and many other important roles were forced to change.

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The Evolution of Animation in One-Punch Man Season 2

One-Punch Man’s highly anticipated return in season 2, which premiered in April 2019, left fans with mixed feelings as they witnessed a noticeable departure from the animation quality that had garnered widespread acclaim in the first season. Under the helm of a new studio, the animation seemed to lack the same level of intricacy, fluidity, and speed, prompting significant disappointment among viewers.

Where once the series had set the bar high with its stunning visuals, now it faltered, leading many to question whether J.C. Staff was equipped to handle the monumental task of adapting One-Punch Man. As the season unfolded, these concerns only intensified, with each episode further exacerbating fans’ frustrations.

By the season’s end, a palpable backlash had emerged, particularly directed at the action scenes, which had previously been a highlight of the series. What was once the show’s crowning achievement had now become a point of contention, leaving fans longing for the captivating excitement and dynamic animation that had initially captivated audiences.

In the wake of season 2, fans were left grappling with a sense of disappointment and longing for the magic that had defined the series’ first outing.

Admittedly, Madhouse is a much better known and more respected studio than J.C. Staff. Responsible for hit series like Death Note and Hunter X Hunter‘s 2011 adaptation, the studio has made its name on action-oriented shonen series, so One-Punch Man was very much in their wheelhouse. While J.C. Staff has had its share of hits as well, they largely haven’t been action series. The difference was particularly exaggerated by the high quality of the manga’s art, with fans often showcasing just how much less detailed the anime was than the manga.

Despite its animation shortcomings, One-Punch Man offers more than just dazzling fight scenes. In fact, the second season stayed remarkably true to the manga’s compelling narrative and well-developed characters, which remained as engaging as ever. While it’s natural for fans to feel a twinge of regret pondering what could have been if Madhouse had helmed the second season, it’s important to recognize that the existing season 2 still has much to offer. For those able to look beyond the animation hiccups, there’s still plenty of enjoyment to be found in the rich storytelling and vibrant characters that define the world of One-Punch Man.

What J.C. Staff's Return Means for Season 3

The revelation in the first trailer for One-Punch Man season 3 that J.C. Staff would once again be handling animation duties sparked a wave of frustration and disappointment among fans. Memories of season 2’s animation woes resurfaced, fueling fears that history might repeat itself. While the trailer showcased some improvements compared to season 2, skepticism lingered, with fans questioning whether this was truly the studio’s best effort or just a polished facade hiding potential shortcomings. Some even declared their intention to skip the third season altogether.

However, it’s crucial to remember that no official release date for season 3 has been announced yet. It’s plausible that the animation is still in its early stages, and the chosen scene for the trailer might not be indicative of the overall quality. The fact that the trailer focuses on an early segment of the Monster Association arc, which is being adapted in season 3, suggests that there’s room for improvement as production progresses.

Admittedly, the Monster Association arc presents significant challenges for animation, with intricate sequences like Tatsumaki’s earth-shattering psychic onslaught and the introduction of colossal creatures like Evil Ocean Water. While these complexities raise valid concerns, it’s premature to pass judgment on the entire season based solely on preliminary footage. Animation technology and techniques have evolved considerably since 2017, offering potential solutions to these challenges—if utilized effectively.

Ultimately, while skepticism is understandable given past experiences, it’s essential to maintain an open mind and allow room for improvement. The journey towards the third season’s completion is still underway, and only time will reveal the true extent of its animation quality.


One-Punch Man isn't About Art

Despite potential concerns about animation quality, it’s crucial to recognize that the upcoming Monster Association arc in One-Punch Man season 3 promises to deliver exceptional storytelling and character development. Fans who dismiss the season solely based on animation might miss out on experiencing some of the series’ most captivating moments.

For those who haven’t delved into the manga, skipping the third season would be a disservice. The manga’s reputation for its superb storytelling and artwork ensures that the essence of the narrative will shine through in the anime adaptation. While reading the manga remains an option, it’s essential to acknowledge that One-Punch Man’s appeal transcends its visuals.

One-Punch Man’s origins as a webcomic drawn by an amateur artist demonstrate that its success isn’t solely reliant on animation quality. Season 1’s breathtaking animation was undoubtedly a treat, but the series’ charm lies in its engaging storyline and well-developed characters. Even if the animation doesn’t reach the same heights as the first season, it doesn’t diminish the series’ overall quality.

The true quality of One-Punch Man season 3 remains uncertain, but its source material speaks for itself. Rather than rushing to judgment based on limited footage, fans are encouraged to approach the upcoming season with an open mind and patience. After all, a minute of footage doesn’t paint the full picture. With time, the true essence of One-Punch Man season 3 will be revealed, and fans can make informed judgments then.



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